Step 1
Cut a piece of cotton fabric in a colour that matches the fabric used for your embroidery, I have used white. This will be used as a backing for the completed embroidery. Line up the two pieces of fabric and trim to ensure they are about the same size. Mount both pieces of fabric into the hoop, ensuring it is drum tight. Tighten the screw as tight as you can get it, using a screw driver. Trim around the excess fabric leaving approx 4cm (1,5 inches) of fabric.

Step 2
Thread a needle with 2 strands of cotton - make sure there is enough cotton to go all the way around. Secure the thread and sew tacking stitches (running stitches) around the edge. They should be about 1cm - 1/2 inch away from the cut edge. When you reach the starting point pull the thread tight to gather
the fabric evenly, and secure with a few running stitches.

Step 3
This last step is optional but does provide a nice neat finish for the back. Cut a circle of felt fabric that will fit just inside the back of the hoop. You can embroider your initials or the date on the back if you like or leave it as is. Attach this circle
to the back with slip stitches all around the edge.

Step 4
Completed Embroidery in a hoop.